
Showing posts from December, 2017

What I Will Be Eating On Christmas Day

What do vegans eat for Christmas dinner? The question I get asked every day throughout December. Do you not miss turkey? And pigs in blankets? The answer is no, I never miss contributing to animal slaughter, even on Christmas day! With the help of Linda McCartney, you too can make a cruelty free Christmas dinner. Here is what I am going to be eating on Christmas day. Starter To start, I am going to be having homemade leek and potato soup. I will not take credit for making this as my mum is going to be doing most of the cooking on Christmas day. An angel sent from above. Soup! Instagram: emeatsvegan Main The “meat” Last year, I decided to play it safe and have Linda McCartney rosemary and red onion sausages. This year, I am upgrading. I am going to have her beef, mushroom and spinach wellington bites and her mini pork and apple sausage rolls. I have tried her beef and red wine roast hoping that I would like it enough to eat it on Christmas day, but I found it very unde

One Pot Pasta

Everyone’s favourite food is pasta; not mine. I have never enjoyed pasta. The pasta that I have made has always been bland and tasteless and if I am going to an Italian restaurant, I would have a cheeseless pizza over a pasta dish any day. This was until my housemate introduced me to the one pot pasta. It changed my life forever. I now live and breathe the dish. Here is how you make it, courtesy of my house mate Sophie Savage (thank you Sophie xxx). One pot pasta Instagram: emeatsvegan YOU WILL NEED A drizzle of vegetable oil 1 onion 2 florets of broccoli A handful of mushrooms A few slices of aubergine 4 cherry tomatoes A few slices of courgette A handful black olives A handful of frozen peas A tin of chopped tomatoes 225g of pasta Morrison’s own brand vegetable gravy granules 1 litre of boiling water Seasoning Chop up all of your vegetables and place them in a large wok with a drizzling of vegetable oil. This recipe makes 3 generous portions,

Butternut Squash Soup

It’s winter and there is only one meal I want to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner: soup. To most, making soup is quick and easy. But before I went vegan, I had no idea how to make it! So I thought I’d write a recipe for my favourite soup to help those who have no idea where to start. Here’s how I make my butternut squash soup, enjoy! YOU WILL NEED: 1 whole butternut squash 1 medium sized potato 2 cloves of garlic 1 onion Olive oil 2 stock cubes A pinch of salt and black pepper (for seasoning). First of all, you want to chop up your onion and garlic ready to fry in olive oil. Next, peel and chop your butternut squash and potato in to small chunks and place them aside. You will not know anger until you have tried to chop and peel a butternut squash, but be patient and persevere with it, the end is in sight. Now, fry your onion and garlic in your olive oil on a medium heat. Whilst they are frying, fill your kettle up to the top with water and boil it. Plac