My (very late) New Years resolutions

It always takes me a couple of weeks to settle in to the New Year. I always tell myself I’m going to make a tonne of resolutions and stick to them, but I never do. This year, I’m feeling more positive that I can stick to my resolutions. Since I’ve had a couple of weeks of exams, I’ve decided to start my new year from today, (19th January). Here are some new year’s resolutions I’m going to try to stick to:

1. Invest my money in more independent business
Being a student, I am so tight with my money, purely because I do not have much of it, (student finance has really fucked me over). I follow a lot of independent businesses on Instagram, but I am not one to purchase from them. This year, I am going to change that.  I would much rather support independent businesses who need the money, rather than buying into chains.

2. Try Rawgust
This is going to be a hard one for me, as if any of you follow my vegan Instagram, then you know I love everything Linda McCartney, (inserts multiple images with meals containing Linda McCartney).

Linda McCartney sausages in a toasted pitta
Instagram: emeatsvegan
Linda McCartney's shredded duck pancake with raw spinach and cucumber, topped off with hoisin and soy sauce
Instagram: emeatsvegan
Linda McCartney's sausage rolls with homemade toasted tortilla chips, spinach and broccoli, topped off with free from mayo and hot sauce
Instagram: emeatsvegan
I’m not sure how realistic this goal is, as I will hopefully be on holiday for some August, but I am really going to try. I am also going to experiment with food more this year. I started my Instagram being a poor student, with little knowledge on vegan cooking, but now having done more research I feel a lot more confident in my cooking skills. Even if it is making one meal from scratch a week, at least I’m doing something.

3. Write a new blog post every week
I already know I am going to struggle with this one. I have been slacking with blog posts ever since I started this blog. I am forever using the excuse that I have exams and I am too busy. However, now that exams are over for the time beings, I am going to try and get a new post up every week, (instead of every two). When I get in to the swing of it, I'll have a set day where a publish a new post. But for now, any day will do.

4. Meditate
I have never tried meditating, but it is something I have always wanted to try. My housemate uses the "calm" app on the App Store, so I am going to start with downloading that and seeing how it goes. I love the idea of taking ten minutes out of your day to focus on your own mind.
Calm app
Photograph from google images
5. Start a bullet journal
Lots of people on my instagram have started a bullet journal and I really want to give it a go. I am in desperate need of some organisation in my life, as I am the messiest person I know. I have little scraps of paper where I make to do lists, but I need to have one journal with all my notes in to feel like I have some control over my life.

6. Wake up before 10am most days
During exam season, I was getting out of bed between 8-9am and falling asleep by midnight. I felt so much better for it, as I usually stay in bed until 11am. I want this year to be really productive and I want to make the most of my days, so I am going to try to get out of bed before 10am, (with the exception of when I’m hungover.)

Those are my realistic New Year’s resolutions. It’ll be fun to look back on this next year to see if I have stuck to any. Hopefully I do.

Emma xx


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